Monday, 24 June 2013

A Ray Of Hope For Kinder?

 In an earlier post I explained how a nearby Brownfield - named 'Kinder' - was going to be developed on. I also briefly said that I had contacted several important people about Kinder, asking for help. Up until a few days ago, there was not a single reply. Now, finally, a person from Natural England, called Julian Small, has got back to me. He told me that they are mainly involved in land that has officially been declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest, or SSSI for short. Unfortunately, Kinder is not an SSSI. He went on to explain that Natural England are also involved with areas where there are protected species - things like Bats, Badgers, and Great-crested Newts. He then asked us for a list of the species Barry and I had recorded on the area.
Barry (if you haven't read my first post, then Barry Warrington is the Hull Valley Wildlife Group's Entomological Recorder) has indeed made a list of the rarest species on Kinder, and has sent it to Julian. But is it enough?
It is highly unlikely that the destruction of Kinder can be stopped - our best hope is that Julian can postpone it, and give us valuable time to try and re-locate as many species as possible. However, this is a mammoth task - and it will be impossible to re-locate every species on Kinder.
Is there a ray of hope for Kinder, or simply a false hope? Look out for more posts about this subject . . .

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